It’s tough to think of anyone who wouldn’t have fun using a trampoline either outside or inside. Trampolines are a great tool for entertainment and fitness, entertaining both kids and adults for hours.

If you own a trampoline, you know that it comes with its share of responsibilities. Whether you’re cleaning it, moving it, or storing it, you know that caring for a trampoline can be tedious.

But have you thought about how to transport a trampoline? Or if you can move a trampoline without taking it apart? While it is a tiring task, sometimes, you don’t have a choice but to move it. Our trampoline movers have compiled some helpful tips to make the process a success.

What Is the Best Way to Move a Trampoline?

Ideally, the easiest way to move a trampoline is to dismantle it beforehand. This makes it easier to transport the different parts from one location to another. However, not all trampoline types lend themselves to being easily taken apart. You may be able to move a kid’s trampoline or mini-trampoline without taking it apart.

If you have a large, 18-foot trampoline, make sure to factor in the distance you need to move the trampoline, how many people you’ll have helping you, and how strong everyone involved is.

How to Move a Trampoline a Short Distance Without Taking It Apart

Can you move a trampoline without taking it apart

Not all circumstances allow you to move a trampoline that is disassembled. Here are some ways you can move a trampoline a short distance.

Moving the Trampoline Using Wheels

Using trampoline wheels is an easy way to move a trampoline without the extra hassle, and the wheels are easy to remove when you’re finished. Head to an online trampoline store to find the wheels that will fit your particular trampoline model, otherwise, check to see if your manufacturer included them with your purchase.

Different trampolines require different wheels, so ensure that you are buying the right ones. Either way, know that the wheels are very affordable and likely a good investment if you’ll continue purchasing trampolines in the future.

Start by attaching the wheels to the legs of the trampoline and dragging them to the desired location. This part can be completed on your own or with the help of another person. You’ll easily be able to take the wheels off of the trampoline when the move is over. Of course, for safety purposes, never jump on the trampoline when the wheels are attached.

Moving the Trampoline By Sliding

Another idea of how to transport a trampoline is by sliding it a short distance. This technique also allows you to keep the trampoline intact while you move it. To successfully use this technique, your backyard will need to be clean. If you have large patches of grass that need cutting, make sure to start by mowing the lawn.

Unlike the above technique, sliding a trampoline doesn’t require any extra equipment. The only thing you’ll need to factor in is the lubricants that you use underneath the legs of your trampoline. The better the lubricant quality, the easier this process will be.

Some people prefer to take off the enclosure net before moving a trampoline but this is not a necessary step. As soon as the lubricant is applied to the underside of the legs, you can slide it to its new location. Make sure you have 2-3 people with you as this will be tricky to do on your own.

Manual Moving of the Trampoline

In some cases, you may be able to move your trampoline manually. This requires a significant amount of strength, and there shouldn’t be any net or poles attached to the trampoline before you begin.

Depending on the size and weight of the trampoline, you may be able to move it manually on your own. Try going underneath the trampoline, placing yourself in the middle, and arching your back against the netting. Slowly and gently lift, using an abundance of caution to make sure that you don’t become injured.

Make sure you choose the middle of the trampoline, so the weight is distributed evenly. If your trampoline is heavy, you may not be able to move a trampoline successfully alone. You can always enlist the help of friends or family to help with the process, with some people walking on the outside carrying the frame while another person holds up the weight in the middle. In the case that you feel nervous about moving the trampoline manually, consider opting for another method to preserve your safety.

How to Move a Trampoline a Long Distance Without Dismantling It

Move a trampoline

Not all trampoline moves will be a short distance. We’ll cover the best ways to move a trampoline a long distance without taking it apart below.

Use a Trailer to Move the Trampoline

Consider moving a trampoline a long distance by using a trailer. The first crucial step is to double-check that the trailer matches the width of your trampoline. Once you’ve double-checked this, you’ll need to lift the trampoline and place it on the trailer. Use high-quality ratchet straps to secure the trampoline in place.

When driving, never go too fast. You’ll want to use a moderate speed to avoid causing damage to the trampoline. Also, always factor in the weather; you won’t want to transport the trampoline while it is raining or snowing as it could cause damage to the trampoline or impede your safety.

Move the Trampoline By Truck

Using a truck is another easy idea of how to move a trampoline without taking it apart. Ensure that the truck you’re using has sufficient space to carry the entire trampoline. Some scenarios may require that you remove the enclosure and net poles beforehand. Use straps to lock the trampoline in place.

While you can also disassemble the trampoline beforehand, use the truck to transport it, and put it together at the desired destination, consider moving it intact first.

A Few Bonus Tips on How to Move a Trampoline Without Dismantling It

Our trampoline moving advice doesn’t stop there! Here are some additional tips on how to transport a trampoline without taking it apart.

1. Plan Your Move

Triple check that your pathway is clear and that you won’t need to go over fences or around trees. You can also look at other play structures to make sure they’re removed and that you have enough space to work with. You’ll also want to make sure that pets or small kids are not in the way as they can quickly become a tripping hazard for those moving the trampoline.

2. Try Rolling the Trampoline

Some trampolines are small enough that you can easily roll them without an enclosure. Simply tip the trampoline onto its side and roll it to the final destination. Be mindful that the rolling process only works with small, round trampolines and is not a suitable method for larger trampolines.

3. Take a Photo of the Trampoline Before Taking It Apart

Best way to move a trampoline

In the case that you want to take apart your trampoline before you move it, make sure that you first take a photo of it. This is a simple way to double-check that you are putting it back together how it should be assembled. Use ziplock bags to house the pieces and label them as necessary. It may seem silly to do so, but it can cut back on your stress on the other side of the move.  

4. Label the Parts

As we mentioned above, labeling the parts of the trampoline can help keep you organized throughout your move. It may not seem necessary to do so, but the pieces will start to look the same when they are not correctly connected. Labeling the parts beforehand can save you stress and time when you’re putting them back together.

5. Consider Replacing Parts

During the process of moving a trampoline, you may need to replace some parts. For example, look at the condition of the net, the springs, the spring covers, and the mat itself. The moving process is a great time to replace any parts that are deteriorating or showing signs of wear and tear.

6. Get Help From Professional Trampoline Movers

No matter your experience with moving trampolines, it’s always easiest to hire a professional team for assistance. Trampoline movers have the equipment, expertise, and strength to successfully move trampolines regardless of the distance.

Final Words

If you’re looking for trampoline movers in the Chicagoland area, turn to our experts at Alliance Movers. We’re proud to offer our services in Chicago, IL, and throughout the Midwest. When it comes to working with us, there are no hidden fees or problems.

If you’re interested in learning more about our services or how we can safely and efficiently transport your trampoline, contact us directly to learn more.